Why Dealers Should Integrate Texting in Their Marketing Solutions

Why Dealers Should Integrate Texting in Their Marketing Solutions

Picture of AutoSweet



Why Use Texting:

Text and Chat have become very valuable tools. We have evolved from pressing numerous keys in rapid succession to send a message, “Hello” (Remember pressing the 5 key once, 3 key twice, 5 key twice, 5 key twice, and the 6 key 3 times?), to finger-friendly QWERTY keyboards on our smartphone.

What is the reason a customer would choose this method of contact rather than calling the dealer directly?

  • It allows them to ask their questions while maintaining some anonymity. It lets a customer be curious about the vehicle before committing too early in their search.
  • Plus, people love to multitask. How often do we find ourselves working and texting?

Text services, within your dealership, can be the first opportunity for a new customer to get to know your dealership/brand. Your sales team has an opportunity to build rapport, before the customer is in front of them. In order to do so, they need to present themselves in a personable and professional manner, just as they would if the customer were standing face to face with them.

Here are some interesting stats on texting:

  • 81% of Americans text regularly
  • 97% of American adults text weekly
  • Americans text twice as much as calling, on average
  • 18.7 billion texts are sent worldwide every day
  • About 50% of adults 18-24 say text conversations are just as meaningful as a phone call
  • The average consumer sends 3 messages per hour (including app to app messaging)
  • The average consumer sends 72 messages per day (including app to app messaging)

Keys to success:

Audience – You’re not shooting the breeze with a college buddy- be friendly, but remember that this is a potential business transaction.

Grammar – You’re not writing a thesis… it doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be effective. Spelling SHOULD be a priority.

Customer Service – “Please” and “Thank you” will always garner you the most respect. Think about this exchange of communication as an interview. The customer is interviewing YOU for the opportunity to sell them a vehicle. Customer Service practices need to be on display.

Example Conversation

Here is a great exchange between a sales professional and a customer. Danny may not have used grammar perfectly, but the manner of communicating paints him as a human and willing to help.
